TerpCorps is a part of Leadership and Community Service-Learning in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union. This group of students engages University of Maryland campus in meaningful community service-learning with the local community through resources, programs, and events.
In addition to other projects, programs, and events, TerpCorps is also responsible for the following programs:
Terps for Change
Terps for Change is committed to connecting the university with the local community through sustained, collaborative, and meaningful community service-learning. By exploring the root causes through critical reflection and meaningful dialogue, we seek to better understand the systemic complexities of social issues and the action steps we can take to address them.
Terps for Change volunteers are required to make a minimum commitment of one academic semester. Students are expected to volunteer at least 2-3 hours per week. Additionally, student volunteers are expected to attend and actively engage in our monthly dialogue events that focus on critical reflection and deeper understanding of service-learning and movement towards social change.